Sunday, March 31, 2013

Who I Am

It might sprout into your mind now, a question, as to who precisely I am. That is a very hard question to answer, and a very good question.

How do you define a person? With a word? With a phrase?... With a song?... With an emotion?

I define people as currents, feelings, a palpable touch, a colour. To give you an idea of my identity, I will try to... identify myself.

My name is Alexandryne Rosa Maria Isabella Skyfaller. I am over five millennia old. I have had many titles over the years. I am... the Blood One, the Ruby Maker, Child of Xeno, that's the basic idea.

As an introduction, I look 15. I am 15, I guess, going on 16. But I was dead for a few thousand years, so that doesn't really count. My name in my last life was Alexander Cross, and I lived at a time farther away than human memory can reach.

Now for labels that you humans are so very fond of now... I was gay, then I was straight, then I was asexual and aromantic (I'll explain that later). I am disorganized, and private, and have trust issues, and proud. I am protective and fierce, and calculating. I am also relatively sociopathic. I have very much been desensitized to human needs, I have no sympathy anymore, and have gone a bit towards the self-pity for my tastes.

I am a Therian, and a Caster, and an Arapanian, and had powers beyond your wildest dreams. I was bloodbound to one of the greatest Gods of all times, sharing in his magic.

I was THE most powerful mortal in all of existence. I could make even the greatest of Demonai tremble with a look. I could kill men with my fingers. Fire leapt across my skin and I had such magic in my blood that you could hear it sing.

I was unrivalled.... more powerful than even many of the gods.

Until three months ago.

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